SWiki 0.12 released

Okay, a little change of plans. Originally, I wanted SWiki 0.12 to be localizable, but due to the fact that I'm not satisfied with the built-in features of Visual Studio I'm rolling my own framework now. This will however take a little longer.

Also, because SWiki is still under heavy development, I would have to chase translations first before I can release. So for the time being, I moved it to a later version in the road map.

Instead, I have added a feature to 0.12 that I really needed now that I'm actually using SWiki to create some documents, and that is re-parenting of pages. This allows you to move pages within the tree to other pages. You can not turn a page into a root page at the moment (that was an oversight, to be fixed in 0.13).

Additionally, the Page view now allows copying text through CTRL-C or Right Click => Copy, and in the navigation tree on the left, the Main Page will always be the first page. You can download SWiki 0.12 on the CodePlex Download Page.