Dr. Horrible Soundtrack available!
Finally, 6 Weeks after the release of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, the Soundtrack is available on the iTunes, and this time it's also available for European Audiences!
The Soundtrack consists of 14 Songs, with a total length of 24:44 Minutes. Conveniently, it's released in 256 kbit/s without DRM for 9.99 €. Sadly, the songs are not longer or otherwise different, but it's still a must buy in my opinion as I really adore the project (did I mention it was one of about 12 different inspirations for us to do the Filthy Pumpkin Show?).
Also, more good news, according to the creators, the show should be available on iTunes for European Audiences as well soon, and the DVD Commentary makes progress. Yes, buying the Show, the Soundtrack AND the DVD may seem like "wasting" money, but I really think that the product deserves it - it is simply good, "honest" entertainment.